Jhelum Sozni Handicrafts Producer Company

Jhelum Sozni Handicrafts Producer Company Limited is a social enterprise. It is supported by the Development Commissioner (Handicrafts) and the Ministry of Textiles, Government of India. As a result, the company focuses on helping artisans who create Sozni shawls. Currently, it involves over 500 artisans from Pattan Sozni GI craft. Therefore, the goal is to expand this number and provide them with sustainable livelihoods.

About Jhelumhpcl.com
Jhelum is dedicated to reviving Indian handicrafts. To achieve this, it connects artisans with buyers through an online marketplace. Consequently, art lovers can easily shop for traditional, handmade products. In addition, Jhelum supports artisans by improving their skills and quality of life. Thus, the platform serves a dual purpose: promoting crafts and enhancing artisan livelihoods.

Supporting Artisans
Jhelum offers training and employment to artisans. Notably, over 90% of these artisans are women. Thus, proceeds from product sales are reinvested into creating new designs. As a result, this approach helps keep the craftswomen employed while providing them with a steady income.

Challenges with Kashmiri Sozni Craft
Recently, the Kashmiri Sozni craft has encountered several challenges. For instance, it faces competition from cheap, mass-produced alternatives from China. Additionally, there has been a lack of new designs. Although previous efforts to innovate have been made, they have not always been successful. Therefore, Jhelum works to update the craft by creating designs that are both practical and beautiful. Consequently, this approach helps blend traditional skills with modern styles.

Improving Indian Crafts
Many Indian crafts are currently scattered and lack strong branding. However, Jhelum believes in the importance of effective communication and quality design. By showcasing traditional crafts alongside modern products, Jhelum helps artisans reach a broader market. As a result, their work is now featured in lifestyle stores, not just craft fairs.

Vision and Mission
Jhelum envisions a world where artisans can overcome poverty through their craft. With the right support, they can build better futures with dignity. Moreover, empowering women is central to this vision. When women earn, they gain independence and enhance their communities.

Jhelum’s mission is to create steady and sustainable incomes for women in the handicraft sector. Specifically, it aims to provide fair pay, decent working conditions, and support to handle life’s challenges.


  • First, create a global platform for artisans to sell their products.
  • Second, innovate and build a successful social enterprise.
  • Third, raise awareness of Indian handicrafts and support artisans in preserving their heritage.
  • Fourth, help artisans improve their processes and product quality.
  • Finally, empower women to achieve financial independence.
Jhelum logo

Jhelum Sozni Handicrafts Producer Company Ltd
H/o: 127 House No.
Address: Poshwani Pattan Baramulla (J&K) Pin:193121


24X7 Available

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